91.   After one night in Bergen, participants take a cruise along the Sognefjord, the deepest and longest fiord in the world.

92.   After someone dies, it can take a long time to work through your grief.

93.   After that it will take effect and will remain on your file for six years.

94.   After that, the fury that boiled up inside him was more than he could take.

95.   After the ban years, she had been only too happy to take the money her sons thrust on her.

96.   After the divorce I was thoroughly fed up and ripe for a new start, so I agreed to take the job.

97.   After the operation, I was told to take things easy for a month or two.

98.   After which Sal and I could take him outside and beat the snot out of him.

99.   Against this, many who take the plunge derive enormous satisfaction from building up a family enterprise.

100.   Air accident investigations will take months.

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