1.   A culture of isolation and relentless profit pressure had taken its toll.

2.   A few other authorities have taken over elements of the scheme.

3.   A few years earlier, the Sellers shops had taken some early stabs at the problem.

4.   A hot new pachinko machine from a backstreet maker in Osaka has taken the underworld by storm.

5.   A man who would give his fourteen-year-old son a motorcycle has obviously taken leave of his senses.

6.   A Marked increase in the numbers of nobles had taken place since the early twelfth century.

7.   A number of steps have been taken to rectify the error.

8.   A police team, forewarned of the raid, had taken up positions inside the bank.

9.   A small land bird had taken refuge on the cabin roof during the gale.

10.   A soccer player and runner in high school, he had taken up outrigger canoeing before the accident.

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