61.   In every case, the need for empathy and positive regard is greatly increased.

62.   In spite of these considerations, Weber certainly did regard capitalism as a class society - economic relations form the basis of inequality.

63.   In that regard free enterprise has proven the most compassionate system in the history of the world.

64.   In that regard, this disc is aptly named.

65.   Instrumentalists regard administrative elites as simply functionaries who make policy according to the rational interests of the capitalist class.

66.   It is a form of violence that the state does not seem to regard as unacceptable.

67.   It is a mistake to regard the falsification of bold, highly falsifiable conjectures as the occasions of significant advance in science.

68.   It is no wonder that local government finance officers regard the poll tax as a financial nightmare.

69.   It meant that I could still do what I regard as a worthwhile job.

70.   It seems that the staff were inclined to regard the women as light relief from the sombre business of teaching science.

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