91.   One must have regard to the potential for legal expenses when determining the ultimate extrajudicial settlement figure in any case.

92.   One must show proper regard for the law.

93.   One of the rules shows that the Convention had a high regard for its dignity.

94.   Only a handful of producers - say a dozen or so - regard wine as a viable commercial proposition.

95.   Other criticisms of the Ridley ruling appear to show scant regard for the integrity of the retailer or its competitiveness.

96.   Others regard it as a more substantial system for planning, allocating and controlling resources.

97.   Others sink in what outsiders might regard as a storm in a teacup.

98.   Our awareness of the euphemism is shown by our tendency to laugh at what we regard as false pretension.

99.   Perhaps surprisingly, the indications are that Offa continued to hold Canterbury in high regard.

100.   Prisoners should be treated with regard for human dignity.

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