1.   A living organism can therefore be regarded as an extremely intricate electrical system.

2.   A monk named Kashyapa is regarded as the founder of the Zen sect of Buddhism.

3.   All parties in the conflict regard education in its broadest sense as part of an ideological battleground.

4.   Although informal plant bargaining does take place, the additions and amendments are not regarded as being competitive with external agreements.

5.   Although there are minor divisions of interest between these three groups, Scott does not regard the divisions as particularly significant.

6.   Any transaction involving two groups or two equivalent individuals is regarded as a negotiation rather than an interview.

7.   As I explain further below, aggressive behaviour is regarded as typical only of lowlanders and spirits.

8.   At other times cultural groups regard themselves in a superior relationship to other cultures.

9.   Athens is often regarded as the cradle of democracy.

10.   Biofuels and wind power are regarded as the most promising technologies, along with small scale hydro and tidal power.

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