81.   The man fixed him with a long, deliberate stare.

82.   The obvious talking point after the game was the deliberate knock-down by David Campese, which prevented the ball reaching Rory Underwood.

83.   The plain fact is, however, that behaviour, whether it is deliberate or not, always influences people.

84.   The rapid fire of questions was deliberate, she knew, designed to scare her into blurting out the truth.

85.   The report is a deliberate and obvious attempt to mislead.

86.   The role of general practitioners in the assessment of deliberate self-poisoning has so far received very little attention.

87.   The second has caused much confusion, some of it deliberate, which has plainly rubbed off on Mr Dalyell.

88.   The senior departmental heads were familiar with their systems and experienced in detecting and preventing errors, both deliberate and accidental.

89.   The State Department has cited these findings as evidence of deliberate attack.

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