71.   The arrival of man-made instruments represented the supplanting and indeed deliberate transcending of nature by human values.

72.   The attack is being seen as a deliberate attempt to sabotage the peace talks.

73.   The attack on him was quite deliberate.

74.   The bold canvas on which they worked was, as I have suggested already, a deliberate affront to traditional religion.

75.   The child was very deliberate in her approach to relationships.

76.   The enterprise of science consists in the proposal of highly falsifiable hypotheses, followed by deliberate and tenacious attempts to falsify them.

77.   The graves were covered up in a deliberate attempt to keep the killings secret.

78.   The Hashemite regime neglected the West Bank as a matter of deliberate policy.

79.   The least they did was to adopt a laissez-faire attitude or one of deliberate non-interference so that the women felt free of pressure.

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