1.   As the jury deliberated for its fifth day Monday, O.

2.   The jury deliberated for only two hours on Wednesday before concluding that the tape made by Bailey was a fake.

3.   The mostly white jury deliberated for three days before returning its verdicts.

4.   She deliberated over the decision for a long time before she made up her mind.

5.   The jury deliberated for two days before reaching a verdict.

6.   The jury deliberated for five days before finding the accused guilty on all counts.

7.   Owen was deliberating whether this was the moment.

8.   An all-white, six-person jury in Asheville, N.C., deliberated for two hours before returning the verdict on Wednesday.

9.   An eight-member jury in New Hampshire deliberated for two hours before finding for Kelly.

10.   A federal jury deliberated for four hours before finding Williams guilty this afternoon.

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