1.   After some years of deliberating, the sharia court, not the military government, ruled that interest-free banking be implemented.

2.   After the hearings, the full committee is supposed to deliberate in closed session on what punishment to recommend to the House.

3.   As the jurors deliberated behind closed doors, the judge huddled with lawyers from both sides in his chambers.

4.   As the jury deliberated for its fifth day Monday, O.

5.   Jurors were unable to reach a verdict after deliberating two hours Friday afternoon.

6.   Poirot, always deliberate and methodical, made a list of all the possible suspects.

7.   Sneers, deliberate and calculated to provoke a response that would betray his position.

8.   The judges deliberated for half an hour and returned with a unanimous Decision for Groton.

9.   The jury deliberated for only two hours on Wednesday before concluding that the tape made by Bailey was a fake.

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