51.   As all else has not failed, I propose to deal with this aspect of the matter shortly.

52.   As its provisions will be beneficial to many people, I hope that we shall deal with it expeditiously.

53.   As set out below, more detailed valuations will be undertaken for actual targets at subsequent stages in the deal process.

54.   As the developer lurched toward bankruptcy, Prudential tried to renege on the deal.

55.   Attempts to achieve sales without segmenting these Markets would result in a great deal of wasted effort.

56.   Ayrshire buses dispute deal A PAY dispute which has crippled bus services in Ayrshire could be over.

57.   Banks provide a loan to deal with the resultant cash deficiency.

58.   Barlow succeeded in establishing the case for radical, remedial measures to deal with the problems of London and the big cities.

59.   Because of this close association between stacks and subroutine linkage, some computers provide hardware stacks to deal with subroutine calls and returns.

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