41.   And the overlap could be especially acute in this deal, because both companies are major producers of missiles and radar.

42.   And the wider community is denied the opportunity to deal with the issue compassionately.

43.   And they also need a catch-all range of facial expressions to help clinch the deal.

44.   And, for a deal to be reached, not all creditors necessarily need to be involved.

45.   Andy does his best by us, and overall most get a fair deal.

46.   Another deal made while he was still in office helped net a handsome profit for his wife, Honey.

47.   Any talk of a deal is premature.

48.   Artists are terribly difficult people for us ordinary mortals to deal with.

49.   As a Stalinist, Nizan was doubtless reassured that prompt action to deal with the anti-Soviet activities had been taken.

50.   As a young actor you obviously went for a great deal of variety in characters and accents.

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