81.   Above all, it lay in their inability to conceive as one same species an enemy seen by the Americans as animals and by the Japanese as devils.

82.   After three years of my trying to get pregnant, followed by a series of embarrassing tests, my husband and my obstetrician decided I needed help to conceive.

83.   Although Barnes could conceive, she could not carry a pregnancy due to health problems associated with the synthetic estrogen DES.

84.   Burroughs argued that patent law requires the inventor only to conceive a new development with enough specificity that the process can be outlined to other experts in the field.

85.   But almost no one in Europe could conceive of their existence, let alone bridge the gulfs of ignorance, race and religious hostility that separated them.

86.   But in the United States, the spoils go to those who first conceive and attempt to produce an invention, regardless of paperwork issues.

87.   But it is impossible to conceive of an American tour as open and informal as Richter now demands.

88.   But most of us feel that it would be wrong knowingly to conceive a child whose life would be truly miserable.

89.   But never conceive of building a light-rail system through it to whisk passengers to a central car-rental terminal or outlying parking lots.

90.   But now, even he is taken aback by the sudden change in what doctors can do to help couples conceive.

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