1.   Causation, it can be supposed, is less clearly conceived by us than other basic facts.

2.   Few contemporary political strategies are conceived without considerable attention being paid to media considerations.

3.   How can you conceive of something as painful, as hurting, without conceiving of it as hurting you?

4.   I can hardly conceive what it must be like here in winter.

5.   Language may be conceived of as a process which arises from social interaction.

6.   Recognizing in Laz a kindred passion, I conceive a plan.

7.   Surely, in conceiving of something that hurts, you necessarily conceive of it as painful to you.

8.   The anti-institutional approach of Market economics is, moreover, very narrowly conceived.

9.   The female nude has been conceived as an expression of fundamental principles of order and design.

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