91.   All she ever thinks about is shagging.

92.   All she wanted now was to get really stoned and lie back on the mattress thinking good thoughts.

93.   All the data shows that these animals are more adaptable than we thought.

94.   All the time he thought he was gaining westward, he had been virtually treading water.

95.   All the views are printable so you can carry your design around and think about it.

96.   All this stuff about polyneuritis was handy, thought Henry, but perhaps a little too neat.

97.   All those years of possible double jacquard knitting missed, because I thought it would be too difficult!

98.   All three factors are thought to have played a part in the rapid spread of the disease.

99.   Almost as many thought that an independent audit committee should be legally required.

100.   Almost without thinking about it you will be doing more moving around, walking faster, taking stairs without strain, and so on.

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