1.   Given their long residence in the sprawling African nation of Zaire, the French-speaking Banyamulenge claim Zairean nationality.

2.   Banyamurenges claim Zairean nationality, but this is contested by the Kinshasa authorities.

3.   The Tutsis say they are fighting for recognition of their Zairean nationality and to oust President Mobutu Sese Seko.

4.   The Tutsi rebels, who originally hailed from Rwanda generations ago, claim Zairean nationality but have vowed to overthrow Mobutu.

5.   They were given Zairean nationality at one point, but it was later withdrawn and Zairean authorities now consider them to be Rwandans.

6.   Zaire has accused Rwanda and Burundi of backing the Banyamulenge, ethnic Tutsis who have lived in the area for several generations and are demanding Zairean nationality.

7.   Kigali has also accused Zaire of allowing former militiamen and ex Rwandan army refugees to chase Rwandan-born Tutsis with Zairean nationality back to Rwanda.

8.   Rwanda accuses Zaire of killing and repressing the apatride Banyamulenge Tutsis of Rwandan origin, who have lived in eastern Zaire for generations and claim Zairean nationality.

9.   The Banyamulenge are Tutsis of Rwandan origin who claim Zairean nationality and have been drawn into the regional ethnic turmoil.

10.   The law deprived many people of Zairean nationality, including the ethnic Tutsis -- known as Banyamulenge -- and alienated them, Garreton said.

a. + nationality >>共 154
dual 17.49%
different 9.17%
british 5.09%
french 4.75%
german 3.06%
israeli 2.21%
spanish 1.87%
zairean 1.87%
japanese 1.87%
unknown 1.70%
zairean + n. >>共 200
government 14.77%
rebel 12.56%
troop 8.91%
army 7.54%
authority 6.64%
soldier 6.58%
capital 3.23%
border 2.81%
official 2.03%
force 1.79%
nationality 0.66%
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