1.   Meanwhile military personnel from the five countries providing standby troops in the Congo are on full alert as rebel Zairean forces begin to march into the capital Kinshasa.

2.   Goma is the stronghold of rebel Zairean forces who have swept across eastern Zaire, seizing key towns and overrunning Tingi-Tingi two weeks ago.

3.   He said that the victims were members of a security contingent of Zairean forces paid by the UNHCR to protect their establishments.

4.   However, the remnants of the Zairean forces in the town appeared to be putting up some resistance.

5.   Amid signs of panic among the refugees, Zairean forces installed a heavy machine gun on their side of one of the two bridges that form the border here.

6.   The three governments have repeatedly denied involvement in the fighting, saying the fighting was between Zairean forces and the Banyamulenge, who were seeking to obtain Zairean citizenship.

7.   They said there was some shooting in the town that night, apparently by Zairean forces protecting shops owned by Tutsis, but that it had been calm since.

8.   The UN agency chief said Zairean forces and Rwanda would have to provide for the safety of any repatriation route.

9.   The Zairean forces fired into a crowd of people who had surrounded them, aid workers said.

10.   Their movement includes mainly Tutsis, originally from Rwanda, who rebelled against Zairean forces trying to expel them, and other local ethnic groups.

a. + force >>共 666
peacekeeping 7.32%
israeli 6.17%
serb 5.98%
russian 5.58%
military 4.81%
international 3.30%
multinational 2.62%
driving 1.82%
american 1.71%
political 1.40%
zairean 0.08%
zairean + n. >>共 200
government 14.77%
rebel 12.56%
troop 8.91%
army 7.54%
authority 6.64%
soldier 6.58%
capital 3.23%
border 2.81%
official 2.03%
force 1.79%
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