1.   Rebel forces were closing in on the Zairean capital Kinsasha, poised to finish off a military campaign that has lasted little more than half a year.

2.   Belgian Special Envoy to the Big Lakes Yves Haesendonck also arrived in the Zairean capital Monday for talks with representatives of the Zairean government.

3.   Foa said UNHCR would help equip the troops under the agreement, negotiated by UNHCR envoy Carroll Faubert in the Zairean capital Kinshasa.

4.   He later left Luanda for the Zairean capital Kinshasa and Bujumbura, Burundi.

5.   The paratroopers are on alert for a possible evacuation of expatriates from the Zairean capital Kinshasa.

6.   UNHCR has reported the attack to Zairean authorities in the Zairean capital of Kinshasa.

7.   UNHCR has reported the attack to Zairean authorities in the Zairean capital Kinshasa.

8.   Zimbabwe plays Zaire Sunday in Kinshasa, the Zairean capital.

9.   He was due to leave Congo later Thursday for Kinshasa, the Zairean capital across the Zaire river.

10.   In fact, no-one seemed particularly bothered in the Zairean capital, which has seen one crisis after another.

a. + capital >>共 511
provincial 5.48%
afghan 4.45%
bosnian 3.85%
state 3.51%
foreign 2.74%
yugoslav 1.69%
indian 1.50%
french 1.39%
european 1.28%
croatian 1.27%
zairean 0.26%
zairean + n. >>共 200
government 14.77%
rebel 12.56%
troop 8.91%
army 7.54%
authority 6.64%
soldier 6.58%
capital 3.23%
border 2.81%
official 2.03%
force 1.79%
每页显示:    共 54