1.   Access would allow the banks to accept yuan deposits and make loans, boosting their business scope and earnings.

2.   Most foreign banks have only one or two branches in China because of strict expansion controls, and they are not allowed to accept yuan deposits from companies.

3.   At present, foreign banks are restricted to hard currency transactions and banned from taking yuan deposits or extending yuan loans.

4.   Some banks have already begun accepting yuan deposits, and local money dealers are expanding their Chinese currency services throughout Hong Kong.

5.   The Labour Daily said the French bank was among a list of banks in the third batch approved to take yuan deposits and give out yuan loans.

n. + deposit >>共 210
bank 33.18%
oil 6.79%
dollar 5.92%
security 3.79%
calcium 3.08%
saving 2.84%
cash 2.37%
gas 1.82%
currency 1.66%
yen 1.42%
yuan 0.39%
yuan + n. >>共 22
business 25.00%
devaluation 18.33%
deposit 8.33%
convertibility 6.67%
loan 5.00%
convertible 3.33%
currency 3.33%
millionaire 3.33%
note 3.33%
operation 3.33%
每页显示:    共 5