1.   Firm the sprigs down, molding the young stems around the curve of the frame pegs.

2.   If these young stems are elbowing each other, some of them are also thinned out.

3.   The succulent young stems become woody as the plant ages, and the hoya is suitable for hanging baskets or training on a short trellis.

4.   The young stems of kerria also stay bright green through winter.

5.   The young stems of some other trees have bright-colored bark.

6.   The roots and young stems also were employed in treatment of atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

a. + stem >>共 252
long 4.16%
main 3.97%
thick 3.21%
tough 2.84%
green 2.46%
single 2.46%
red 1.70%
slender 1.70%
woody 1.70%
mushroom 1.70%
young 1.13%
young + n. >>共 614
man 15.52%
people 11.79%
woman 9.81%
child 5.52%
girl 3.06%
player 2.92%
boy 2.23%
adult 1.20%
son 1.19%
couple 1.14%
stem 0.01%
每页显示:    共 6