1.   In large families girls are often expected to assume the care of young infants until they deliver their own.

2.   Sander has emphasized that the quiet alert state in a young infant is extremely stable.

3.   But eventually her work helped revolutionize how scientists think about the cognitive capabilities of very young infants.

4.   Earlier experiments have established that young infants have other sensory preferences.

5.   Even more alarming to pediatricians is a very young infant with a fever.

6.   How important is talking to a young infant?

7.   Very young infants lying face down on a soft surface may be unable to raise or turn their heads enough to breathe fresh air.

8.   Very young infants typically make cooing and gurgling sounds and turn toward a new noise.

9.   The authors note that previous research has suggested that breast-feeding exclusively may be less risky than alternating breast-feeding with formula in very young infants.

a. + infant >>共 206
premature 11.48%
newborn 5.64%
black 3.55%
born 3.55%
human 2.71%
tiny 2.30%
crying 2.09%
healthy 1.88%
young 1.88%
sick 1.46%
young + n. >>共 614
man 15.52%
people 11.79%
woman 9.81%
child 5.52%
girl 3.06%
player 2.92%
boy 2.23%
adult 1.20%
son 1.19%
couple 1.14%
infant 0.02%
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