1.   American casualties are frightful, but the Germans are caught by su rprise and yield ground.

2.   And although the Republicans ultimately yielded political ground to the White House, they did force Clinton and Democrats to adopt the mantra of spending cuts.

3.   Branscum was combative throughout his three hours of cross-examination, yielding no ground to the aggressive prosecutor, W. Hickman Ewing Jr., deputy Whitewater counsel.

4.   But he acknowledged that his side had not yielded any ground either and he characterized the offer on the table as generous enough.

5.   But now Pataki will have to yield some ground to Schumer, although aides to both men say the two sides have already begun discussions to reach some accommodation.

6.   Dominant groups yield ground reluctantly, especially to those who are regarded as having simply settled for a job instead of choosing a more prestigious profession.

7.   European nations in the Contact Group should stop talking about yielding ground to Milosevic and require free access to Kosovo for the war crimes tribunal.

8.   He came back a week later after yielding ground to them.

9.   Some concede Boston does not do as well with large orders, but yields no ground on smaller retail business.

10.   The high will yield little ground through Sunday.

v. + ground >>共 527
lose 16.32%
gain 14.23%
break 7.20%
hit 5.92%
hold 3.92%
stand 3.65%
give 2.67%
have 2.38%
cover 2.35%
regain 2.11%
yield 0.36%
yield + n. >>共 641
result 13.87%
clue 2.65%
benefit 2.36%
run 2.22%
information 2.12%
agreement 1.93%
progress 1.93%
power 1.54%
profit 1.54%
return 1.45%
ground 1.20%
每页显示:    共 25