1.   Grate yellow rind of lemons, and finely chop the walnuts.

2.   Some of the cheeses are covered with blue-green mold, others have shiny yellow rinds and a few are wrapped in chestnut leaves.

3.   The zest is the flavorful outer yellow rind of the lemon.

4.   With a pale yellow rind and a robust, earthy taste, it is an ounce and a half of pure joy.

a. + rind >>共 34
orange 40.00%
grated 13.68%
candied 4.21%
yellow 4.21%
citrus 3.16%
chopped 2.11%
entire 2.11%
thicker 2.11%
white 2.11%
bright 1.05%
yellow + n. >>共 1057
card 17.40%
jersey 4.51%
flag 3.34%
ribbon 2.32%
flower 2.17%
line 1.73%
light 1.65%
police 1.59%
one 1.13%
shirt 1.07%
rind 0.08%
每页显示:    共 4