1.   But many local residents did not like the project, deeming it a gaudy eyesore that seemed to spread to more abandoned houses and vacant lots every year.

2.   Henry Witt III has tackled a lot this year.

3.   Hundley has been through a lot this year and has lost a lot.

4.   I always thought we could do more of that playing in Oakland, but I guess that changed a lot this year.

5.   Keith was hurt a lot this year.

6.   Patriots fans have proven to be a patient lot this year.

7.   She saw me go through a lot this year.

8.   Textbooks do not hold quite the same magic, although, under the guise of helping my children study, I have learned quite a lot this year.

9.   Store managers say sales have been all over the lot this year.

10.   The fix has hurt quite a lot this year.

n. + lot >>共 195
car 9.72%
used-car 4.67%
dealer 4.67%
studio 4.30%
day 4.30%
corner 3.36%
dirt 2.62%
year 2.62%
season 1.87%
half-acre 1.87%
year + n. >>共 1338
time 5.11%
more 2.12%
growth 1.01%
game 1.01%
tournament 0.85%
market 0.76%
team 0.75%
title 0.75%
profit 0.72%
event 0.70%
lot 0.06%
每页显示:    共 14