1.   Both are developing countries that suffer widespread poverty and yawning chasms between rich and poor.

2.   The French archaeologists, expecting a yawning chasm, had apparently overlooked the importance of the small cracks.

3.   The yawning chasm Valles Marineris cuts across the planet for a distance the equivalent of the width of the continental United States.

4.   But the yawning chasm of defeat in Atlanta has swallowed thousands of high hopes and dreams.

5.   It is now a yawning chasm.

a. + chasm >>共 61
cultural 13.28%
gaping 6.25%
deep 6.25%
growing 4.69%
ideological 4.69%
yawning 3.91%
huge 3.91%
great 2.34%
racial 2.34%
widening 2.34%
yawning + n. >>共 69
gap 27.39%
budget 7.64%
gulf 6.37%
divide 5.10%
chasm 3.18%
hole 3.18%
emptiness 1.91%
maw 1.91%
trade 1.91%
abyss 1.27%
每页显示:    共 5