1.   He spends it making telephone calls and writing letters to recruits.

2.   If contentiousness persists, judges are sometimes asked to write letters explaining their decisions to the International Skating Union.

3.   If your needs are for e-mail, browsing the Internet, writing letters and figuring the family finances, you can get by with a very low-end computer.

4.   You click on items such as a calendar to run a calendar program, a checkbook to write checks and a piece of paper to write letters.

v. + letter >>共 6
write 44.44%
make 11.11%
print 11.11%
read 11.11%
record 11.11%
smother 11.11%
write + v. >>共 73
be 60.00%
help 2.62%
take 2.30%
require 1.97%
become 1.64%
letter 1.31%
allow 1.31%
come 1.31%
bring 1.31%
give 1.31%
每页显示:    共 4