1.   Does writing about tragedies help you deal with them?

2.   Q. You say you were helped by writing all through your therapy.

3.   Writing the book helped me to sort everything out.

4.   Writing has helped him come to accept, to a degree, the family legacy.

5.   Writing the novel helped Alvarez learn more about the birth of the nation she came from.

6.   Writing an autobiography helps analyze feelings and actions as well as interpreting a period of time for future readers.

7.   Writing helped her to stay grounded.

8.   Writing the book helped her get over residual feelings about the case.

v. + help >>共 440
be 4.98%
have 3.08%
buying 2.49%
do 2.37%
say 1.42%
fall 1.18%
win 1.18%
counsel 1.18%
funding 1.07%
spending 1.07%
write 0.95%
write + v. >>共 73
be 60.00%
help 2.62%
take 2.30%
require 1.97%
become 1.64%
letter 1.31%
allow 1.31%
come 1.31%
bring 1.31%
give 1.31%
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