1.   The sight of a wounded soldier left him raw and angry.

2.   Then, giving my horse in charge of a wounded soldier, I turned back over the field of mutilation and death.

3.   We gave performances in neighborhood theaters and schools, and before wounded soldiers in hospitals.

4.   Her earliest memory is of singing at the age of four to wounded soldiers.

5.   The wounded soldier moaned in pain.

6.   Wounded soldiers being carried off the battlefield.

7.   A wounded soldier screams in pain.

8.   Amidst the fire, an armored medical unit was treating a half dozen wounded soldiers.

9.   Among the wounded soldiers, one was shot in the neck, causing paralysis in the legs, and another soldier suffered a chest wound.

10.   And a villain he was, ordering the bayoneting of wounded colonial soldiers.

a. + soldier >>共 430
israeli 25.43%
russian 5.82%
american 4.55%
british 2.88%
former 2.46%
french 2.38%
indian 2.25%
serb 1.87%
armed 1.61%
german 1.51%
wounded 1.29%
wounded + n. >>共 411
soldier 14.42%
man 12.36%
people 5.17%
civilian 2.44%
officer 2.35%
fighter 2.06%
pride 1.68%
child 1.58%
animal 1.34%
woman 1.25%
每页显示:    共 299