1.   Justin was Martyred along with five other men and a woman for reftising to worship pagan gods.

2.   Maurice and his legion, Gereon and his soldiers reftised to worship pagan gods before battle.

3.   Once you get too exclusive, too obsessed with a place, you are worshipping false gods.

4.   People have worshipped gods since the dawn of civilization.

5.   Spark has always had the facility to be silkily suave as she goes about examining our predilection for worshipping false gods.

6.   The Ancient Egyptians worshipped many gods.

7.   Throughout history people have always found a need to worship a god and to understand something more about human life and spirituality.

8.   The Huicholes worship the gods of maize and peyote, and often incorporate the latter in their rituals.

9.   They worshipped the gods of the forest and other forces of nature.

10.   What gods should we worship?

v. + god >>共 89
worship 11.84%
appease 5.26%
honor 3.95%
represent 2.63%
go 2.63%
call 2.63%
have 2.63%
thank 1.97%
portray 1.97%
play 1.97%
worship + n. >>共 119
god 8.61%
ancestor 3.35%
nature 3.35%
deity 2.87%
spirit 2.87%
father 2.39%
youth 1.91%
ground 1.91%
service 1.91%
style 1.91%
每页显示:    共 18