1.   Maintenance workers sealed the gap last week, officials said.

2.   Workers will seal cracks, replenish crumbling mortar and repair damage inflicted by years of exposure to wind, rain, snow and sun.

3.   Exterminators were called to eliminate the rats and workers sealed a gap discovered between a wall and the floor.

4.   Fearing disease by contamination, rescue workers have sealed off the lagoon to allow bodies to decompose or be eaten by crocodiles, wild dogs or pigs.

5.   Exterminators have since been called in and workers have sealed a gap between a wall and the floor.

6.   Other workers sealed a front gate with roll after roll of barbed wire.

7.   The area was evacuated for fear of further explosions, and fire brigades and gas workers sealed off the compound.

8.   Workers on Thursday sealed off a nuclear plant damaged by an explosion and fire, which officials acknowledged was allowed to burn while workers waited for orders.

9.   Workers were sealing doors and windows as they prepared to fill the nine-story building with a killing gas.

10.   After removing the debris, workers will hermetically seal all openings of the wreck before transferring it to the Nerpa military factory at Snezhnogorsk, near Murmansk.

n. + seal >>共 248
police 17.40%
army 8.03%
troop 7.10%
authority 4.69%
force 4.42%
judge 3.75%
official 2.41%
remains 2.14%
soldier 2.01%
worker 1.47%
worker + v. >>共 711
be 10.87%
say 8.15%
have 3.61%
go 1.63%
begin 1.41%
use 1.33%
take 1.28%
find 1.28%
try 1.17%
receive 1.10%
seal 0.05%
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