1.   But this exhibition suggests that Kuniyoshi may have extended the tradition of the woodblock figure print in at least two ways.

2.   Dong Ho is a Vietnamese village near Hanoi where for centuries families have created bold, colorful woodblock prints portraying village scenes, folk tales and national legends.

3.   He was dominant during what was widely considered a period of decline for the woodblock print, especially the figure print, in which he came to specialize.

4.   His first book was about Japanese woodblock prints.

5.   Of incalculable effect on the Western eye was the Japan of Japanese woodblock prints.

6.   On a trip to Japan while working as a software consultant, Scholten, who is Dutch, purchased an inexpensive woodblock print.

7.   So scholars have conducted research in part by studying old paintings or woodblock prints.

8.   The department struck him as being in disarray, a state epitomized by a faded woodblock print by Duerer hanging near an office window.

9.   The woodblock prints of northeast Brazil began as an offshoot of a folk art known as literatura de cordel, or string literature.

10.   Opening Sunday, it features the dramatic woodblock prints, some not seen publicly since the Russo-Japanese War nearly a century ago.

n. + print >>共 202
shoe 6.77%
palm 5.58%
paw 4.98%
finger 4.38%
thumb 4.18%
leopard 3.39%
woodblock 3.19%
color 2.79%
hand 1.99%
block 1.99%
woodblock + n. >>共 8
print 61.54%
printing 11.54%
artist 7.69%
carver 3.85%
glyph 3.85%
image 3.85%
plate 3.85%
watercolorist 3.85%
每页显示:    共 16