1.   Babe simply asks the sheep nicely, and the result is wonderfully funny.

2.   But it is wonderfully funny, pointedly topical and genuinely heartwarming.

3.   If you are a regular Steed fan, you will guess that his wonderfully funny wife, Lu, contributed the title.

4.   Scattered throughout are wonderfully funny remembrances from actual celebrities, including Buster Poindexter and Deborah Harry.

5.   Still, Lithgow is wonderfully funny throughout.

6.   The production, which is wonderfully funny at first, falls apart at about the same time Billy does.

7.   Within the confines of his bizarrely stylized persona, Spinella delivers some acute and wonderfully funny line readings.

d. + funny >>共 258
very 14.66%
so 7.94%
as 4.67%
pretty 4.18%
really 3.85%
quite 3.19%
not 3.11%
often 2.05%
kind_of 1.80%
how 1.72%
wonderfully 0.57%
wonderfully + a. >>共 390
rich 2.32%
expressive 1.43%
funny 1.25%
detailed 1.07%
simple 1.07%
creative 0.89%
warm 0.89%
eccentric 0.89%
different 0.89%
complex 0.89%
每页显示:    共 7