1.   I published his autobiography, which was very competently ghosted by a woman journalist from the Daily Mail.

2.   How much have prime-time women journalists, doctors and lawyers really progressed?

3.   In it, White criticized women journalists in locker rooms.

4.   It diminishes a first-rate woman journalist to label her sexy.

5.   Ret. Navy Cmdr. Alfredo Astiz, in a widely publicized interview, bragged before a woman journalist about his attributes as an exterminating angel.

6.   The camera pulls back to reveal the head of what appears to be a woman journalist.

7.   The Macedonian driver and another woman journalist, an old friend from Moscow days, completed the team.

8.   A woman journalist was forbidden from attending a news conference by Mullah Mohammed Rabbani.

9.   A woman journalist from a British newspaper was arrested Friday in northeastern Afghanistan, a news agency close to the Taliban reported.

10.   A woman journalist was found dead with her throat cut Tuesday near her home in the west Algiers suburb of Saula, her family said.

n. + journalist >>共 155
television 27.77%
radio 7.90%
opposition 5.35%
sport 4.46%
minority 3.95%
woman 2.80%
newspaper 2.55%
student 2.29%
reformist 2.29%
business 2.04%
woman + n. >>共 899
voter 3.64%
player 2.18%
athlete 2.13%
priest 2.09%
soldier 2.01%
worker 1.89%
prisoner 1.87%
candidate 1.67%
friend 1.55%
leader 1.46%
journalist 0.53%
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