1.   The size of the hands indicate women made the handprints, supporting the idea that women artists created the paintings.

2.   This is your chance to kick up your heels and support this group of anonymous women artists.

3.   Younger women artists are now getting wider recognition.

4.   The exhibition helped increase the visibility of women artists.

5.   Not only have there been many important exhibitions held on these issues but many women artists have developed brave and challenging work.

6.   The organisation as a whole became sensitised to the many debates which faced women artists who were physically challenged.

7.   For it could be argued that women artists have a quite specific relationship and history to publicly sited works.

8.   The groups of women artists who met and worked collaboratively during the same period are less clearly referenced in standard texts.

n. + artist >>共 417
makeup 10.37%
rap 6.24%
scam 6.10%
guest 3.53%
country 2.78%
woman 2.58%
tattoo 2.31%
graffito 2.24%
sketch 2.17%
film 1.63%
woman + n. >>共 899
voter 3.64%
player 2.18%
athlete 2.13%
priest 2.09%
soldier 2.01%
worker 1.89%
prisoner 1.87%
candidate 1.67%
friend 1.55%
leader 1.46%
artist 0.92%
每页显示:    共 38