1.   These were essentially flight recorders but were not made to withstand crash forces.

2.   The frequent occurrence of earthquakes in the area means that the buildings must be specifically designed to withstand the force.

3.   And to withstand the force of high-G movements, he must also be in top physical condition.

4.   Airliners are designed to withstand huge forces far beyond anything they are expected to encounter in flight.

5.   He said it did not surprise him that the towers had withstood the force of the hijacked jetliners that slammed them.

6.   In fact, the panel said underground rail systems are arguably better able to withstand the force of an earthquake than surface structures.

7.   Later tests will be conducted to measure how the hull withstands forces exerted under sail.

8.   Some of the exercises are withstanding the force of a waterfall or extinguishing candle flames with your blade.

9.   The contractors had built countless apartment blocks with sandy concrete and reinforcing rods far too weak to withstand the forces of nature that regularly shake the country.

10.   From there, he drew on nature for his inspiration, reasoning that natural forms are best able to withstand natural forces.

v. + force >>共 523
use 19.55%
join 12.71%
withdraw 3.12%
deploy 2.57%
fight 2.42%
send 2.36%
accuse 1.79%
have 1.61%
lead 1.22%
attack 1.16%
withstand 0.11%
withstand + n. >>共 347
pressure 6.38%
challenge 5.33%
scrutiny 4.86%
attack 2.95%
impact 2.29%
test 2.10%
rigor 2.10%
shock 1.90%
earthquake 1.81%
loss 1.43%
force 1.14%
每页显示:    共 12