1.   Bright impacts were expected because the rising plume should have formed ice crystals as it rose, perhaps like the wispy cirrus clouds familiar to jet travelers.

2.   On Wednesday, a few patches of wispy cirrus clouds revealed the presence of a jet stream disturbance moving over the dry Southwestern states.

3.   The season for wispy cirrus clouds has begun.

4.   The wind and gravity disperse the narrow contrails, which form wispy cirrus clouds.

5.   Today, it is known that the brightly colored spots are caused when light from the sun passes through the ice that comprises wispy cirrus clouds.

6.   Wispy cirrus clouds will start to dim the sun Thursday afternoon as far south as Point Conception, heralding the approach of the disturbance.

a. + cirrus >>共 5
wispy 42.86%
high 35.71%
dense 7.14%
high-level 7.14%
increased 7.14%
wispy + n. >>共 69
cloud 14.73%
hair 12.40%
beard 7.75%
cirrus 4.65%
dress 3.10%
goatee 2.33%
tendril 2.33%
trail 2.33%
figure 1.55%
fire 1.55%
每页显示:    共 6