1.   A guy falls from the top of a ladder, which any wise person knows is a dangerous place, and the fellow sues the ladder manufacturer.

2.   A wise person once said every new woodworking project is an excuse to buy a new tool.

3.   A wise person once told me that in the end what matters is who you loved and who loved you.

4.   A very wise person in the television industry once told me that it takes a lot of hard work by many talented people to make a bad comedy.

5.   By concentrating on retaining mastery over the inner self, a wise person averts negative emotions and destructive activities.

6.   Deng Xiaoping was a very wise person.

7.   In other words, a wise person is one who has the ability to look for the deeper meaning of things.

8.   Instead a wise person can tolerate ambiguity as knowledge about life expands.

9.   Or does the wise person find peace even amid the difficulties of life by simply not allowing his heart to be touched by them?

10.   Savant means an extremely wise person.

a. + person >>共 616
only 7.21%
first 7.05%
third 3.33%
missing 2.73%
same 2.46%
average 1.99%
last 1.99%
second 1.65%
familiar 1.55%
young 1.50%
wise 0.14%
wise + n. >>共 293
move 7.94%
decision 7.71%
choice 6.89%
investment 5.14%
one 2.34%
woman 2.22%
thing 2.22%
counsel 2.10%
word 1.99%
person 1.87%
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