1.   First among these was the introduction of penances which, it was hoped, would wipe the slate clean.

2.   Bob just wiped the slate with that.

3.   A little snow helps one wipe the slate clean on the past year and begin anew.

4.   A new beginning, an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and take that big step up into the realm of true contenders.

5.   I wipe the slate clean every week.

6.   It needed to be that to wipe the slate clean.

7.   The slate was wiped clean for both Sprewell and Hardaway, who had feuded with each other over the events of the previous season.

8.   Then, a worker wipes the slate clean for others.

9.   Zenga arrived to replace Thomas Rongen and attempted to wipe the slate clean, which is what most coaches would have done.

10.   But wiping the slate clean has proved far from easy.

v. + slate >>共 105
certify 5.88%
wipe 5.46%
appoint 4.20%
name 3.36%
approve 3.36%
choose 3.36%
clean 2.94%
produce 2.10%
send 2.10%
clear 2.10%
wipe + n. >>共 272
tear 23.08%
eye 8.81%
sweat 5.13%
brow 4.33%
face 3.61%
hand 3.29%
mouth 2.96%
nose 2.80%
floor 2.08%
foot 1.76%
slate 1.04%
每页显示:    共 13