1.   Candles burned on the window sills, among fragrant boughs of spruce and pine.

2.   Even if all you have is a patio or a balcony or even a window sill, you have enough space.

3.   Extension brackets project the track out to avoid protruding window sills and radiators.

4.   Inside on the window sill there are flowers in a vase.

5.   Picture frames can make striking displays on occasional tables, window sills or other low-level areas.

6.   Put the plant on a window sill in the sun.

7.   Rain trickled down the glass, puddling on the window sills.

8.   She began at the livingroom window sill.

9.   She idly watched a tame yellow warbler hopping back and forth across the window sill as Victor put the call through.

n. + sill >>共 11
window 80.58%
door 6.80%
aluminum 2.91%
replacement 2.91%
barn 0.97%
drainage 0.97%
entrance 0.97%
islander 0.97%
kitchen 0.97%
livingroom 0.97%
window + n. >>共 289
frame 12.87%
pane 8.60%
sill 5.62%
display 4.67%
seat 4.13%
ledge 3.12%
treatment 3.12%
glass 2.98%
screen 2.71%
open 2.44%
每页显示:    共 82