1.   Following the winding pathways, we found display gardens featuring rhododendrons, heather, boxwood, flowering quince, false cypress, and many more plants.

2.   The winding pathways that the group traversed through the Old City were the same streets where historical accounts say crusaders left bodies piled high.

3.   Trees and winding pathways conceal the houses.

4.   Winding pathways within some sections of the public park mimic the shape of musical clefs.

5.   With the cool weather, weekends find Tempe Beach Park and winding pathways teeming with joggers, cyclists, anglers and families.

a. + pathway >>共 191
new 3.90%
narrow 3.30%
neural 2.70%
alternative 2.40%
ancient 2.10%
same 2.10%
possible 1.80%
chemical 1.80%
developmental 1.50%
winding 1.50%
winding + n. >>共 113
road 27.56%
street 10.68%
path 5.98%
mountain 5.77%
staircase 2.99%
trail 2.35%
lane 2.35%
alley 2.14%
country 2.14%
drive 1.71%
pathway 1.07%
每页显示:    共 5