1.   Playing winning hockey.

2.   The correct teams won the hockey World Cup, the World Series and the Super Bowl.

3.   They do all of the little things and a few of the big ones that win hockey games.

4.   Jorritsma believes modern hockey cannot be won without a strong midfield.

5.   Pakistan won hockey World Cup here on Sunday, beating Holland in the final after a penalty shootout.

v. + hockey >>共 133
play 50.00%
watch 3.75%
love 3.37%
talk 1.69%
quit 1.50%
coach 1.31%
like 1.12%
know 0.94%
bring 0.94%
win 0.94%
win + n. >>共 510
game 8.00%
election 3.84%
race 3.40%
approval 3.31%
title 3.21%
support 3.19%
championship 2.75%
toss 2.44%
tournament 2.23%
seat 2.18%
hockey 0.01%
每页显示:    共 5