1.   Because rewards will continue to go to those willing to put in maximum face time.

2.   It is unlikely, however, that Isetan will put pressure on the Pressmans to pay back the loans instantly, especially if their assets are not readily liquid.

3.   One said the girl had told her that she would be in college by the time she delivered and that she would put the baby up for adoption.

4.   However, in Washington a senior U.S. official cast doubt that renewed ties with Indonesia would put an end to human rights abuses by the military.

5.   Kafelnikov once again mentioned retirement, saying he expects the Russians to win the Davis Cup in December and that this would put the final piece to his career.

v. + put >>共 112
be 6.81%
stay 6.28%
do 4.71%
fighting 3.14%
go 3.14%
have 3.14%
spending 3.14%
will 2.62%
say 2.09%
take 2.09%
will + v. >>共 154
be 10.10%
become 5.21%
take 2.61%
cost 2.28%
spread 1.63%
put 1.63%
let 1.63%
pay 1.63%
come 1.63%
make 1.63%
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