1.   Arkansas will likely play Florida in the SEC championship game in Atlanta.

2.   Edgardo Alfonzo will likely play third base.

3.   His flight did not allow him to get to the game in time, but Kelly said Modano will likely play Sunday in Chicago.

4.   If he loses the hearing, Smith will likely play elsewhere this season.

5.   Lewis will likely play third base.

6.   Nash will likely play for rookie league Princeton this year.

7.   Stars coach Ken Hitchcock said Helenius will likely play Wednesday against Nashville.

8.   WNBA President Val Ackerman said McCray will likely play with one of the two expansion teams that will be announced before the end of the year.

9.   Goalkeeper Mark Bosnich will likely play for United after his recent signing.

10.   Laszlo Polgar said Judit will likely play against Garry Kasparov next year, but did not specify any details.

n. + play >>共 769
three-point 3.87%
pass 3.41%
league 2.99%
group 2.45%
school 2.30%
season 2.24%
role 2.21%
tournament 1.99%
iron 1.96%
radio 1.81%
will 0.33%
will + n. >>共 294
start 3.73%
fall 3.54%
lead 3.14%
end 2.36%
play 2.16%
rise 1.77%
increase 1.77%
move 1.77%
turn 1.57%
stay 1.57%
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