1.   A gutsy coach willing to let her team improvise on the court.

2.   Are people generally willing to let you into their houses?

3.   Are you willing to let her have a family car for her personal use?

4.   Are Americans willing to let government poke its lens into their business if it means more streets are safe for shopping?

5.   Are the Sox willing to let Mo play it out?

6.   Are we willing to let corporations silence all protest?

7.   But during the last two weeks Monserrate has been unable to find a track willing to let Zippy Chippy race.

8.   But it was news he had heard before, perhaps not willing to let it sink in.

9.   But what really worries Fay more than the half cent is that the Senate bill would let the states use highway money from Washington to help finance Amtrak.

10.   City Union Mission is willing to let Williams and Dodson stay longer if the search proves difficult, Rohlfing said.

v. + let >>共 182
will 6.35%
be 4.42%
stop 4.14%
pause 3.87%
open 3.31%
call 2.76%
use 2.49%
opt 2.21%
better 2.21%
know 1.93%
will + v. >>共 684
pay 4.69%
take 4.48%
become 4.21%
cut 4.04%
do 2.04%
make 1.97%
be 1.90%
come 1.73%
work 1.39%
go 1.29%
let 0.78%
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