1.   Buchanan is also attracting more moderate people willing to hold their noses over his push for an anti-abortion amendment and the enshrinement of creationism in the public school curriculum.

2.   But there is no disguising the political victory it hands the anti-abortion crusaders in the House who were willing to hold American foreign policy to their ideological agenda.

3.   Deutsche Telekom, the German state-owned phone company, will to hold an initial public offering in December.

4.   Every time a rookie wins, a random drawing will held.

5.   He can begin by appointing a new interior minister willing to hold state governors accountable for violations of federal criminal and election law.

6.   No date has been set for the meeting, although it will held shortly, he said.

7.   Over the longer term, though, it might help attract investors willing to hold shares rather than short-term speculators, he said.

8.   Paul Fregia of Chicago, executive director of the Woods Foundation, said junior clinics will held in New York, Chicago and Orlando in addition to Dallas.

9.   The low-inflation environment has some investors willing to hold bonds for fear of missing out on additional gains even with yields just above record lows.

10.   Their national meeting will held in Dallas this June.

v. + hold >>共 277
order 23.15%
use 7.76%
be 4.00%
say 2.79%
fight 2.67%
will 1.82%
believe 1.82%
build 1.70%
opt 1.45%
include 1.09%
will + v. >>共 684
pay 4.69%
take 4.48%
become 4.21%
cut 4.04%
do 2.04%
make 1.97%
be 1.90%
come 1.73%
work 1.39%
go 1.29%
hold 0.51%
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