1.   Support for anti-poaching projects, protection of endangered species, management of wildlife reserves and opposition to the resumption of commercial whaling will continue.

2.   Republican Senator Frank Murkowski has introduced a bill to open up a huge Alaskan wildlife reserve to oil exploration.

3.   A SCOTTISH researcher has been led to safety after being trapped in a remote wildlife reserve by gun battles raging between rival forces in the African republic of Rwanda.

4.   Many cattle ranches are being turned into private wildlife reserves.

5.   Most balconies overlook a savanna where giraffe, zebra and other exotic animals roam about a wildlife reserve.

6.   One of the last undecided senators, Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark., announced on Wednesday that she would oppose drilling in the wildlife reserve.

7.   Sen. Frank Murkowski, R-Alaska, said on Wednesday that he would offer an amendment this week to allow exploration in the wildlife reserve.

8.   The White House has courted the Teamsters, for instance, to drill for oil in the Arctic wildlife reserve.

9.   There are a number of initiatives on the table to set aside land for open spaces and wildlife reserves in Congress.

10.   When she opened her eyes again, she was in a wildlife reserve with room to roam.

n. + reserve >>共 208
oil 18.74%
nature 9.55%
cash 8.96%
currency 7.89%
gas 4.74%
forest 3.74%
dollar 2.85%
food 2.31%
wildlife 2.02%
water 1.96%
wildlife + n. >>共 291
official 10.91%
refuge 7.55%
habitat 6.54%
biologist 4.36%
expert 4.36%
sanctuary 3.64%
officer 3.36%
park 2.46%
conservation 2.01%
reserve 1.90%
每页显示:    共 34