1.   Because skunks, raccoons, foxes, coyotes and other wild mammals can carry this fatal disease, it is best to always keep your distance from them.

2.   Dolphins, unlike dogs, are wild mammals with no experience in interpreting or manipulating the weird behavior of higher primates.

3.   The crew captured duskies in a typical feeding situation that shows just how remarkable dolphins are among all wild mammals.

4.   Uncounted thousands of wild mammals, including tigers, lions, wolves and primates, are in private hands.

5.   This is completely unlike the mating system of many wild mammals where males fight for dominance and the winner gets the females.

a. + mammal >>共 161
marine 24.32%
small 9.73%
large 6.13%
first 4.68%
adult 2.52%
only 1.44%
rare 1.44%
huge 1.44%
endangered 1.26%
flying 1.26%
wild 0.90%
wild + n. >>共 1215
animal 6.92%
ride 2.42%
horse 2.33%
mushroom 2.14%
dog 1.73%
bird 1.64%
plant 1.41%
salmon 1.39%
celebration 1.35%
swing 1.28%
mammal 0.09%
每页显示:    共 5