1.   Wild fluctuations in brain activity owing to changing environmental conditions would thus put the rest of the body at severe risk.

2.   Although polls currently give Clinton a commanding lead, they are merely a snapshot in time and are subject to wild fluctuations.

3.   An elastic waistband helps them adjust to wild fluctuations in daily exercise and pasta intake.

4.   And wild fluctuations in street purity raise the risk of overdose.

5.   A good UPS generally does a better job than surge protectors of filtering out the wild fluctuations that occur with household AC current.

6.   Getting there, however, found them weathering some wild fluctuations.

7.   State officials said that in trying to drum up business, the agents were churning the real estate markets, which could cause wild fluctuations in property values.

8.   The agreement stresses that the government-financed coffee fund will continue to help offset wild fluctuations in international coffee prices to ensure steady income for coffee growers.

9.   The program provides consumers a stable supply of high-quality peanuts without wild fluctuations in price, he said.

10.   The wild fluctuations in the polls make white women the wild card of the debate.

a. + fluctuation >>共 145
wild 9.39%
sharp 7.36%
wide 5.84%
recent 4.31%
seasonal 3.55%
short-term 3.05%
daily 2.79%
normal 2.54%
economic 2.03%
natural 1.78%
wild + n. >>共 1215
animal 6.92%
ride 2.42%
horse 2.33%
mushroom 2.14%
dog 1.73%
bird 1.64%
plant 1.41%
salmon 1.39%
celebration 1.35%
swing 1.28%
fluctuation 0.70%
每页显示:    共 37