1.   An electronic publishing course for undergraduate computer scientists needs to cover a significantly wider range of topics.

2.   Extending them to a substantially wider range of courses or students would, however, require primary legislation.

3.   Finally, Preston gave employees access to a much wider range of information about the company.

4.   Future agreements are intended to cover a wider range of industries.

5.   Postgraduate and post-experience diplomas and certificates are, in general, designed for students with a wider range of academic backgrounds and experience.

6.   Reality or unreality has to be established or argued on a much wider range of issues.

7.   Recordings of different people talking give learners access to a wider range of voices and accents.

8.   That is because sensitive children, like all challenging children, have a wider range of behavior than more easy-going children.

a. + range >>共 698
wide 25.76%
close 9.10%
narrow 6.27%
broad 5.77%
full 3.83%
wider 2.98%
point-blank 2.45%
driving 2.18%
shooting 2.05%
long 1.93%
wider + n. >>共 753
range 7.11%
audience 5.56%
war 3.82%
use 3.08%
variety 2.32%
world 2.11%
market 1.74%
conflict 1.53%
area 1.50%
issue 1.29%
每页显示:    共 268