1.   And this widening gulf obscures the fact that blacks and whites share common interests.

2.   Another problem is the widening gulf between the haves and the have-nots, something evident in the transactions listings since the season ended.

3.   But it also reveals a widening gulf between the two groups, even in Haifa, a mostly secular city that has long boasted of peaceful coexistence.

4.   Hyde acknowledged the widening gulf between the two sides.

5.   I recently saw an investment policy letter from PaineWebber, the financial house, that foresaw a widening gulf and advised its clients to invest accordingly.

6.   In recent years there have been a number of reports of violent crime in the big cities of Brazil and a widening gulf between the haves and have-nots.

7.   Instead, it shows the widening gulf between the common man and corporate kingpins.

8.   Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia, said the results highlight the widening gulf between the American public and the news media.

9.   Still, Brooks knows that such overwhelming prosperity among members of one group has led to the widening gulf between professionals and the poor.

10.   That was creating a widening gulf between the U.S. position in the region and that of European allies.

a. + gulf >>共 81
wide 11.85%
widening 10.43%
vast 7.58%
huge 4.74%
growing 4.74%
yawning 4.74%
cultural 2.84%
eastern 2.37%
great 2.37%
ideological 1.90%
widening + n. >>共 210
gap 14.51%
trade 7.13%
scandal 6.89%
investigation 3.94%
deficit 3.32%
gulf 2.71%
rift 2.09%
income 1.97%
payoff 1.97%
bribery 1.85%
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