1.   Cut down on refined white sugar, and white flour, and eat more wholemeal, granary and brown products.

2.   In her white granny nightie and her white flour make-up Noreen could have easily disappeared in that room.

3.   It is largely because the bran is stripped from white flour that our Western diet has become low in natural fibre content.

4.   The combination of one-third wheat to two-thirds white flour makes a light, crackly, and satisfying loaf.

5.   The refined carbohydrates - white flour, rice and pasta - should be replaced by wholemeal versions.

6.   Use strong white flour, and if you can get hold of durum wheat flour, then so much the better.

7.   ...bread made from white flour.

8.   ...the bleaching agent in white flour.

9.   Mix about four cups of white flour with a pinch of salt.

10.   Angelina de Leon was kneading a dough of white flour, eggs and olive oil, flavored with pepper and honey.

a. + flour >>共 126
together 18.08%
remaining 9.04%
all-purpose 6.78%
white 5.84%
seasoned 5.65%
excess 4.71%
sifted 4.14%
whole-wheat 4.14%
additional 2.07%
carrying 1.69%
white + n. >>共 1100
man 4.44%
shirt 2.73%
woman 2.16%
wine 1.88%
people 1.57%
male 1.30%
powder 1.19%
farmer 1.18%
hair 1.05%
student 0.96%
flour 0.13%
每页显示:    共 31